In my app I'd like to be able to tell Siri something like:
So I enabled the Siri capability, added a target, implemented the INStartWorkoutIntentHandling
(and also the other) delegate methods and everything works.
I can now say Start a workout with MyAppName
. Perfekt!
Now I'd like to tell her something like Start an activity using MyAppName
, or even Start a hike using MyAppName
So I went and added a AppIntentVocabulary.plist
looking something like that:
Quick question there... the Vocabulary item identifier... If the work- Hike f.e. should be used for start, end, pause, resume, cancel... should the identifier be the same for all of them?
Now I face three problems.
1. I can tell Siri Start a hike
and it will work, she will ask me which app I should be using. I tell her Start a hike using MyApp
and she will tell me that she can't find that on Apple Music?!? What the hell?
2. If I add the word Activity
into my Vocabulary she will only open the iOS Activities App... Never ask if I may want to open my app.
3. On submission I get a punch of missing words-warnings
Like No example phrase was provided for INStartWorkoutIntent in the "en" language
which I do have! or Sample phrase "Start a Hike using MyAppName" was not classified as a INStartWorkoutIntent intent
I would be very very happy if someone could show me a valid sample of a AppIntentVocabulary.plist
file that works fine with siri and iTunes Connect!
? And is Siri properly responding for you? – Epitaph