I have no idea, if this is a IronPython issue, a Revit API assembly issue, or something else. Any information/ideas on what could be causing this is appreciated.
I understand this is solvable by re-importing the same namespace again, but I am dying to understand why that is.
Below is short example of what is happening. Images show RevitPythonShell Console output.
import clr
clr.AddReference('RevitAPI') # Contains Imports Autodesk.Revit.DB
from Autodesk.Revit import DB # OK
DB.Element.Name # OK
DB.Element.Name.GetValue() # OK: Method exists. As Expected
from File1 import DB
DB.Element.Name # OK, Property Exists
DB.Element.Name.GetValue() # *** Method DOES NOT Exist, Attribute Error is raised
from Autodesk.Revit import DB # Re-import the same namespace again
DB.Element.Name.GetValue() # OK: Method Exists
from File2 import DB
in the fileFile2.py
? That could be your problem right there... but also could just be you typing it wrong into SO... – Eohippus