I'm trying to inject LOCALE_ID to my custom components and track it on each ngOnChanges event in case it has been changed (to reinit component with other language).
In AppModule i've got LOCALE_ID provider that returns current language code ('en','fr' and etc):
provide: LOCALE_ID,
deps: [I18NextService],
useFactory: (i18next: I18NextService) => {
return i18next.language; //string: 'en', 'ru'...
By default OpaqueToken LOCALE_ID registered as value "en-US".
provide: LOCALE_ID,
useValue: 'en-US'
Then i implement my component with contructor injector
constructor(private injector: Injector) {
And then i resolve LOCALE_ID dependency to get current locale.
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
let localeId = this.injector.get(LOCALE_ID);
The problem is that LOCALE_ID provider registered as singleton and i always get first resolved value...
I don't want custom component to know something about my I18NextService
I don't want to change type returned after LOCALE_ID resolved. This can break other libs\controls that expect LOCALE_ID to be string. That is why i can't resolve LOCALE_ID as factory function.
There would no problem if i could just register transient resolver, but angular 2 DI seems doesn't have this feature (Aurelia does)
Suggestions are welcome!