Hello I need to modify the following OMeta PEG :
using OMetaSharp;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
ometa SExpression.GeneratedCode.SExpressionParser : Parser {
SExpression = Spaces Atom:a Spaces -> { a }
| Spaces List:l Spaces -> { l.As<SExprList>() },
EscapeChar = '\\' Character:c -> { c },
Atom = String:s -> { new SExprAtomString(s.ToString()) }
| Number:n -> { new SExprAtomNumber(n.ToString()) }
| Symbol:sy -> { new SExprAtomSymbol(sy.ToString()) },
Symbol = FirstAndRest("Letter", "LetterOrDigit") | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '^',
String = '"' (EscapeChar | ~'"' Character)*:s '"' -> { s },
Number = Digit+,
List = '(' SExpression*:xs ')' -> { new SExprList(xs.ToIEnumerable<ISExpression>()) }
to support Symbols including underscore and dot characters. Dots should also be supported in Numbers.
I tried to modify Number rules with the following production (taken from original Ometa# site) but it ends up with a runtime error when generating the SExpression parser:
Number = Number:n Digit:D -> (n * 10 + d)
| Digit,
and this seems not to work either:
Number = Digit+
| Digit+ '.' Digit+,
In this case I'm able to produce the parser but I got an OMeta exception when I try to parse something like 0.25
I wrote also these rules to allow parsing underscore (and dot) rich Symbols but it doesn't work either:
Atom = Sub:s -> { new SExprAtomString(s.ToString()) }
| Number:n -> { new SExprAtomNumber(n.ToString()) }
| Symbol:sy -> { new SExprAtomSymbol(sy.ToString()) },
Sub = String
| String '_' String
| String '.' String,
The expression I'm trying to parse is the following:
(fp_text value V23105 (at -2 0 180) (layer FSilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.25)))
The exception parsing this is always this one:
No stack trace :-(.