I have an image that I rotate before I draw. The image is rotated by the angles of a hexagon. In other words, the image basically "highlights" the individual edges of a hexagon. I need to detect if the mouse was clicked inside of this rotated image. Detecting a mouse click inside of an unrotated image is pretty simple, but I have no idea about how to detect clicks within rotated points. Is there a way to get the points of the image's corners after rotation so I can place an invisible polygon on top of the image and use Polygon.contains()?
Image highlightEdge = new Image("assets/img/highlightEdge.png");
if(angle == 90){
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(highlightEdge.getWidth(), 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(testPoint.x - 56, testPoint.y);
} else if(angle == 210) {
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x - 72, lastSettlement.y - 32);
} else if( angle == 330){
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x - 8, lastSettlement.y - 32);
} else if(angle == 30){
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-8, lastSettlement.y);
} else if(angle == 150){
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-72, lastSettlement.y);
} else {
highlightEdge.setCenterOfRotation(0, 0);
highlightEdge.rotate(new Float(angle));
highlightEdge.draw(lastSettlement.x-40, lastSettlement.y - 48);