there is no sample code about implementing hints for Google Speech Clouds for Swift online, so I made it up!
Open this class: SpeechRecognitionService.swift
You have to add your hint list array to the SpeechContext, add the SpeechContext to RecognitionConfig, and finally add RecognitionConfig to Streaming recognition config. Like this:
let recognitionConfig = RecognitionConfig()
recognitionConfig.encoding = .linear16
recognitionConfig.sampleRateHertz = Int32(sampleRate)
recognitionConfig.languageCode = "en-US"
recognitionConfig.maxAlternatives = 3
recognitionConfig.enableWordTimeOffsets = true
let streamingRecognitionConfig = StreamingRecognitionConfig()
streamingRecognitionConfig.singleUtterance = true
streamingRecognitionConfig.interimResults = true
//Custom vocabulary (Hints) code
var phraseArray=NSMutableArray(array: ["my donkey is yayeerobee", "my horse is tekkadan", "bet four for kalamazoo"])
var mySpeechContext = SpeechContext.init()
recognitionConfig.speechContextsArray = NSMutableArray(array: [mySpeechContext])
streamingRecognitionConfig.config = recognitionConfig
//Custom vocabulary (Hints) code
let streamingRecognizeRequest = StreamingRecognizeRequest()
streamingRecognizeRequest.streamingConfig = streamingRecognitionConfig
Bonus: Adding your custom words mixed inside a simple phrase instead of adding the word alone gave me better results.