When using OpenShift Aggregated Logging I get logs nicely fed into elasticsearch. However, the line as logged by apache ends up in a message
I'd like to create queries in Kibana where I can access the url, the status code and other fields individually. For that the special apache access log parsing needs to be done.
How can I do that?
This is an example entry as seen in kibana:
"_index": "42-steinbruchsteiner-staging.3af0bedd-eebc-11e6-af4b-005056a62fa6.2017.03.29",
"_type": "fluentd",
"_id": "AVsY3aSK190OXhxv4GIF",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"time": "2017-03-29T07:00:25.595959397Z",
"docker_container_id": "9f4fa85a626d2f5197f0028c05e8e42271db7a4c674cc145204b67b6578f3378",
"kubernetes_namespace_name": "42-steinbruchsteiner-staging",
"kubernetes_pod_id": "56c61b65-0b0e-11e7-82e9-005056a62fa6",
"kubernetes_pod_name": "php-app-3-weice",
"kubernetes_container_name": "php-app",
"kubernetes_labels_deployment": "php-app-3",
"kubernetes_labels_deploymentconfig": "php-app",
"kubernetes_labels_name": "php-app",
"kubernetes_host": "itsrv1564.esrv.local",
"kubernetes_namespace_id": "3af0bedd-eebc-11e6-af4b-005056a62fa6",
"hostname": "itsrv1564.esrv.local",
"message": " - - [29/Mar/2017:01:59:21 +0200] "GET /kwf/status/health HTTP/1.1" 200 2 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1"\n",
"version": "1.3.0"
"fields": {
"time": [
"sort": [