I'm trying to build a language switcher into my main navigation, which is created by the KNPMenuBundle. Translations are done with the JMSTranslationBundle. Both work fine.
I want to create a language switcher with my menu builder, but the generation of the correct routes gives me some headaches.
This is my service:
class MenuService
private $factory;
private $translator;
private $router;
public function __construct(FactoryInterface $factory, Translator $translator, Router $router)
$this->factory = $factory;
$this->translator = $translator;
$this->router = $router;
public function createMainMenu(RequestStack $requestStack, array $languages)
// Language Switcher - $languages === ['en', 'de']
$request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
$routeName = $request->get('_route');
$menu->addChild('menu.language', array(
'uri' => '#',
'label' => '<i class=\'fa fa-flag-checkered\'></i> '.$this->translator->trans('menu.language.main'),
'extras' => array('safe_label' => true)
->setAttribute('class', 'dropdown singleDrop')
->setChildrenAttribute('class', 'dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-left')
foreach ($languages as $language)
$menu->getChild('menu.language')->addChild('menu.language.'.$language, array(
'route' => $this->router->generate($routeName, array_merge($request->get('_route_params'), ['_locale' => $language]))
And this is my service definition
class: AppBundle\DependencyInjection\MenuService
arguments: ['@knp_menu.factory', '@translator.default', '@jms_i18n_routing.router']
class: Knp\Menu\MenuItem
factory: ['@menu_builder', createMainMenu]
arguments: ['@request_stack', '%locales%']
scope: request
- { name: knp_menu.menu, alias: main }
If I inject the Router provided by the JMSTranslationBundle, I receive the following error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "/en/" as such route does not exist.").
If I'm using the default router of symfony I'm getting this error message:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "homepage" as such route does not exist.").
When I debug the router on the console, this is the output:
en__RG__homepage ANY ANY ANY /en/
de__RG__homepage ANY ANY ANY /de/
Which router must be used to get the routing to work?
in'route' => $this->router->generate($routeName, array_merge($request->get('_route_params'), ['_locale' => $language]))
comes from? – Haggi