I am creating a TinyMCE plugin with custom button that insert <span>test</span>
in current caret position. Moreover clicking this button again while caret is in previously inserted text is removing current <span>test</span>
and replacing it with new inserted <span>test</span>
tinymce.PluginManager.add('test_plugin', function(editor) {
editor.addButton('test-button', {
text: 'Insert span',
onclick: function() {
var current_node = editor.selection.getNode();
if(current_node.tagName === 'SPAN') {
It works great but after inserting <span>test</span>
the caret get stuck in this span node and I can't move it outside of this span.
(whitespace) at the end (<span>test</span> 
) solves the problem of stucking caret but it is adding redundant spaces every reinsert.
How to solve stucking caret problem?
How to remove redundant  
when reinserting?