I am having an issue with Ivy uploading large(ish) artifacts to our in-house artifact server (Artifactory 3.9.2). When we upload a 400MB file, we run out of Java heap space and it fails (thus failing our CI build). We keep nudging the upper limit up, but we're anticipating some significantly larger artifacts (~1GB in size) that is going to break our steady bumping in size.
We are using Ant 1.10, Ivy 2.4, OpenJSK, on a CentOS7 environment.
The issue has been documented with Ivy as IVY-1197 but it has not been fixed in a trunk build, so I want to put the described workaround:
The workaround is to always use ivy with commons-httpclient, commons-codec and commons-logging when the use case will involve uploading large files to sites requiring authentication
I want to add the commons-httpclient, commons-codec, and commons-logging
to the Ivy classpath so that Ivy uses these during upload of the artifacts. Unfortunately, I am struggling to make this work. To be completely honest, I am a newcomer to the Java world, with classpaths being a foreign concept; I'm a C++ developer who has volunteered to fix this legacy part of our system.
We invoke our Ivy tasks through Ant. We pull in an ivysettings.xml
file, whose relevant structure looks something like:
<classpath file="${build-utils.basedir}/ivy.lib/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar"/>
<classpath file="${build-utils.basedir}/ivy.lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar"/>
<classpath file="${build-utils.basedir}/ivy.lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar"/>
The ivysettings.xml
is pulled in through a build-utils.xml
file that is shared among our components:
<project name="build-utils" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<fileset dir="${build-utils.basedir}/ant.lib">
<include name="ivy*.jar"/>
<ivy:settings file="${build-utils.basedir}/ivysettings.xml"/>
<target name="convert-POM-to-Ivy" > <!-- description="Convert a POM file to an Ivy file"; additionally verifies that we've pulled in Ivy correctly -->
<ivy:convertpom pomFile="pom.xml" ivyFile="ivyFileOut.xml" />
We also have an ivy.xml
for each of our components that is pretty straightforward:
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra">
<info organisation = "${groupId}"
module = "${artifactId}"
revision = "${version}}"/>
<include file="ivy-configurations.xml"/>
<!-- Some giant artifact -->
<artifact conf="${conf.el7}" type="tar.bz2" e:classifier="${conf.el7}"/>
<artifact type="pom"/>
<dependencies />
If I run the ant echoproperties
target and grep for 'class.path' I get the following:
With this setup, I still have issues with the upload, and I'm not sure if I can verify that I'm using the commons-httpclient
Could someone provide some tips on how to get a jar into the Ivy classpath? Am I doing this wrong and I need to have it in the Ant classpath? If so, can someone point me in the right direction?