Hello fellow programmes, I am stuck on the issue with keycloak. I am trying to send from node.js express framework request towards keycloak to logout the user.
Config.keycloakClient = my_realm
Config.keycloakURL = keycloak URL
//url: join(Config.keycloakURL, '/auth/realms/'+ Config.keycloakClient+ '/protocol/openid-connect/logout?' + 'id_token_hint='+req.headers.oidc_access_token), <--- tried this
url: join(Config.keycloakURL, '/auth/realms/'+ Config.keycloakClient+ '/protocol/openid-connect/logout'), // <-- i also tried this
{ Authorization: "Bearer " + req.headers.oidc_access_token, // <-- also tried Authorization: req.headers.oidc_access_token }
Result - 200 OK, but i can still see active session in active sessions in admin interface
//url: join(Config.keycloakURL, '/auth/realms/'+ Config.keycloakClient+ '/protocol/openid-connect/logout?' + 'id_token_hint='+req.headers.oidc_access_token), <--- tried this
url: join(Config.keycloakURL, '/auth/realms/'+ Config.keycloakClient+ '/protocol/openid-connect/logout'), // <-- i also tried this
{ Authorization: "Bearer " + req.headers.oidc_access_token, // <-- also tried Authorization: req.headers.oidc_access_token }
Result - 302 redirect, but i can still see active session in active sessions in admin interface
I was trying to find the refresh token, but when accessing
i could not get the refesh token-> it redirects me to the login page.
In session storage / cookies i can not see anything strange via chrome dev tools. So what is the proper way to logout with endpoint? Which endpoint and what parameters should i use please? And how am i to obtain refresh token?
Thanks for the help!
Best regards