- 3rd party CSS files have to be used in this project.
- the CSS files use relative paths in image urls (e.g. url('../images/logo.png')
- these files are constantly being udpated by the provider (so it's not an option to rewrite the paths every time an update happens)
- these are to be used in an Angular6/SCSS project
Structure example:
- src
| - styles.scss
| - app
| - assets
|- third-party
| |- styles
| | |- general.scss
| |- images
| | |- logo.png
| |- import.scss
|- styles/
|- images/
The angular.json refers to two stylessheets:
"styles": [
More info
- there are many files in the third-party/styles folder, so the "import.scss" has been written to restrict the amount of stylesheets delcared in Angular.json
- the third party scss files can also be in their own subfolders (yay), so it's not an option to store the import.scss inside the
- general.scss (and all other siblings) are referring to images (and fonts) via relatives paths, eg
- unless the paths are modified (e.g. made relative to import.scss) OR all third-party/styles files are added to the cli (angular.json), the relative paths issues kick-in. See error below.
error message:
Can't resolve '../images/logo.png' in '<project root>\src\assets\third-party\'
What is the recommended approach to this? Import all third party stylesheet in the angular cli / angular.json OR import/include these in an intermediate "barrel" file like the import.scss
NB. I know this topic has given rise to a multitude of topics, but I haven't found an answer that's either a clear "no" or a clean fix.
"stylePreprocessorOptions": { "includePaths": [ "src/style-paths" ] },
from ? – Lagerkvist