I am trying to alter the settings of a Sails JS app and am having a bit of bother passing a parameter to the body-Parser in order to change the default settings.
I previously had the issue described here: Posting larger files
I believe this problem has been answered correctly by changing the default 'limit' option, as a 100kb default size minus the 33% overhead from the formData object is pretty consistent with what size of file I can/can't send. So the solution proposed was this:
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded( { limit: 1048576 } ));
but am unable to implement the solution in my Sails app. I have read through the Sails Documentation on changing the middleware settings, and tried the following in my config/http.js file...
First attempt - wrapper
* HTTP Server Settings
* (sails.config.http)
module.exports.http = {
middleware: {
order: [
bodyParserInit : (function (){
let bodyParser = require('body-parser');
return bodyParser( { extended: true, limit: 1073741824 } )
// cache: 31557600000
Second attempt - overwrite
* HTTP Server Settings
* (sails.config.http)
module.exports.http = {
middleware: {
order: [
bodyParser: (function _configureBodyParser(){
let skipper = require('skipper');
let middlewareFn = skipper({
limit: 1073741824,
return middlewareFn;
// cache: 31557600000
However, neither attempt solved my issue as the limit still appears to be set 100kb regardless of anything I've done. How do I implement this correctly, so that the body parser accepts files of up to 50kb? I presume either I am not configuring this correctly or something else is overwriting what I've done.
EDIT: I'm using Sails version > 12.0.X