Am using axlsx_rails gem with activeadmin to export formatted excel report This format is working fine in Ubuntu LibreOffice but the styles breaks in windows OS.
This is the proper aligned format in Ubuntu.
But below this image is from Windows that header border and spacing not aligned properly
My code is here.
gem 'axlsx', '~> 2.0.1'
gem 'axlsx_rails'
gem 'rubyzip', '~> 1.0.0'
Mime::Type.register "application/", :xls
member_action :export_lease_abstract, method: :get do
@job = Job.find(params[:id])
render xlsx: 'export_lease_abstract_new_format', filename: 'lease_abstract_new_format', disposition: 'inline'
sample view file - export_lease_abstract_new_format.xlsx.axlsx
wb = xlsx_package.workbook
header_style = wb.styles.add_style :sz => 14, :name => 'Times New Roman', :b => true, :alignment => {:horizontal => :center, :vertical => :top, :wrap_text => true}, :bg_color => "C0C0C0", :fg_color => "000000"
property_style = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 12, :name => 'Times New Roman', :border => { :color => 'FF000000', :style => :thin }
sub_header_style = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :border => { :color => 'FF000000', :style => :thin }
content_title_style = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman'
content_value_style = wb.styles.add_style :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :left}
content_title_top = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :left, :vertical => :top}
content_wrap_text = wb.styles.add_style :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :left, :vertical => :top, :wrap_text => true}
content_title_center = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :center}
content_title_right = wb.styles.add_style :b => true, :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :right}
rent_value_center_style = wb.styles.add_style :sz => 8, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :center}
rent_value_right_style = wb.styles.add_style :sz => 10, :name => 'Times New Roman', :alignment => {:horizontal => :right}
border = wb.styles.add_style :border => { :color => 'FF000000', :style => :thin }
gray_cell = wb.styles.add_style :bg_color => "C0C0C0", :fg_color => "FF"
wb.add_worksheet(:name => "Lease Abstract") do |sheet|
sheet.sheet_view.show_grid_lines = false
sheet.column_widths 5.2, 32.5, 12, 14, nil, 15, nil, nil, 5.2
sheet.add_row [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :style => gray_cell
sheet.add_row [nil,, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :style => [gray_cell, header_style, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, gray_cell], :height => 20
sheet.merge_last_row columns:["B","H"]
# img = File.expand_path('../../../assets/images/hds-logo.png', File.dirname(__FILE__))
# sheet.add_image(:image_src => img, :noSelect => true, :noMove => true) do |image|
# image.width=100
# image.height=50
# image.start_at 0, 0
# end
sheet.add_row [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :style => [gray_cell, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, gray_cell], :height => 12
sheet.add_row [nil, lease_information.try(:tenant_name), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 'Lease Abstract', nil], :height => 17, :style => [gray_cell, property_style, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, property_style, gray_cell], width: 10
sheet.merge_last_row columns:["B","G"]
sheet.add_row [nil, "PARTIES:", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :height => 12, :style => [gray_cell, sub_header_style, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, gray_cell]
sheet.merge_last_row columns:["B","H"]
# sheet.column_info.first.width = 30
sheet.add_row [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :style => [gray_cell, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, gray_cell], :height => 8
sheet.add_row [nil, "Tenant Name:", lease_information.try(:tenant_name), nil, nil, "DBA:", lease_information.try(:dba), nil, nil], :style => [gray_cell, content_title_style, content_value_style, nil, nil, content_title_style, content_value_style, nil, gray_cell]
sheet.merge_last_row columns:["C","E"]
sheet.merge_last_row columns:["G","H"]
# sheet.column_info.first.width = 30
sheet.add_row [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], :style => [gray_cell, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, gray_cell], :height => 8
How to fix this format to look same in all the os.