I'm trying to create a VM based on a template (ubuntu 18.04) using terraform and vsphere provider. The final error showed by terraform apply..
command is:
* vsphere_virtual_machine.vm: timeout waiting for an available IP address
However, the VM is created and receives the IP address set in "clone" section inside vsphere_virtual_machine resource.
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "vm" {
count = "${var.count}"
name = "${lookup(var.vm_name, count.index + 1)}"
resource_pool_id = "${data.vsphere_resource_pool.pool.id}"
datastore_id = "${data.vsphere_datastore.datastore.id}"
network_interface {
network_id = "${data.vsphere_network.network.id}"
adapter_type = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.network_interface_types[0]}"
disk {
clone {
template_uuid = "${data.vsphere_virtual_machine.template.id}"
customize {
linux_options {
host_name = "${lookup(var.hostname, count.index + 1)}"
domain = "${var.domain}"
dns_server_list = ["${var.ns1}", "${var.ns2}"]
network_interface {
ipv4_address = "${lookup(var.ipv4_address, count.index + 1)}"
ipv4_netmask = "${var.ipv4_netmask}"
ipv4_gateway = "${var.ipv4_gateway}"
The toolsDeployPkg.log
file shows the following error:
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] ENTER STATE Done
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] EXIT STATE INPROGRESS
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] Deployment succeeded.
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] Launching cleanup.
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ debug] Command to exec : /bin/rm
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] sizeof ProcessInternal is 56
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.557Z] [ info] Returning, pending output from stdout
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.558Z] [ info] Returning, pending output from stderr
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] Process exited normally after 0 seconds, returned 0
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] No more output from stdout
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] No more output from stderr
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] Customization command output:
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] sSkipReboot: false, forceSkipReboot false
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ debug] Ran DeployPkg_DeployPackageFromFile successfully
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ debug] ## Closing log
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] Rebooting
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ debug] Command to exec : /sbin/telinit
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] sizeof ProcessInternal is 56
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] Returning, pending output from stdout
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.658Z] [ info] Returning, pending output from stderr
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.769Z] [ error] Process exited abnormally after 0 sec, uncaught signal 15
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.769Z] [ info] No more output from stdout
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.769Z] [ info] No more output from stderr
[2018-09-10T18:07:12.769Z] [ info] Customization command output:
[2018-09-10T18:07:13.633Z] [ error] telinit returned error 127
Do I need to configure other options into vCenter? I'm using the following softwares:
- Terraform v0.11.8
- provider.vsphere v1.7.0
- vCenter 6.7