I have a scala app that I build with sbt. It pulls in a native library. The native library is loaded via...
System.setProperty("java.library.path", "libs")
The app runs absolutely fine on both Ubuntu 14 and 16. I can execute sbt test and run no problem and it all links up perfectly.
I am testing out building on Ubuntu 18 and am running into issues. They seem to be specifically related to loading/linking the native library. The app runs fine if I use "sbt run". However if I try "sbt test" it fails with the following error...
sbt.ForkMain$ForkError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class "MyClass"
where "MyClass" is the class that links the native library. The app also compiles fine (sbt compile) and I have included "fork := true" in my build.sbt.
So I know it "works" in some scenarios. There just seems to be something specific about "sbt test" where it breaks.