I noticed that if I change all the edge weights in the graph with the same value, community.best_partition doesn't always result in the same communities.
I used the same random state in all cases and the graph is exactly the same just that instead of all edge weights to be equal to 1 for example they may be equal to 5. The definition of modularity cancels out this factor that multiplies the adjacency matrix and as I read about the algorithm I can't find a step that should change the result. Is there a reason that causes that difference?
import networkx as nx
import community
from sklearn.metrics import adjusted_rand_score
def main():
g = nx.davis_southern_women_graph()
nodes = g.nodes()
clusters_init = community.best_partition(g, random_state=10)
print("modularity with initial clusters = %.15f" % community.modularity(clusters_init, g))
labels_init = [clusters_init[n] for n in nodes]
for num in range(1, 9):
for u, v in g.edges():
g[u][v]["weight"] = num
clusters = community.best_partition(g, random_state=10)
labels = [clusters[n] for n in nodes]
print("value of edge weight = %d," % num, "modularity = %.15f," % community.modularity(clusters, g),
"modularity with initial clusters = %.15f," % community.modularity(clusters_init, g),
"adjusted rand score = %.3f" % adjusted_rand_score(labels_pred=labels, labels_true=labels_init))
if __name__ == "__main__":
modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965
value of edge weight = 1, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000
value of edge weight = 2, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000
value of edge weight = 3, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000
value of edge weight = 4, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000
value of edge weight = 5, modularity = 0.332470647645499, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 0.676
value of edge weight = 6, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000
value of edge weight = 7, modularity = 0.332470647645499, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 0.676
value of edge weight = 8, modularity = 0.334869334679965, modularity with initial clusters = 0.334869334679965, adjusted rand score = 1.000