I'm working on an app in which at some point I need to import once at a time several different kind of binary and ascii files, with different extensions, such as .bin, .app, .crc, etc.
In order to enable this, I prepared in the project target, in the info section, the Document Types and the Imported UTIs.
Up to Xcode 10 everything was working fine, but now that I'm testing the app with Xcode 11 Beta 6, I've noticed that the import works fine for all my handled file extensions with the exception of .app files.
Basically when I get any .app file from one e-mail attachment or from one Files folder, and I try to export it to import it into one app, my app is not shown anymore within the app supporting those kind of files.
In the info section I've used the following entries (for .app files):
Document Types:
My App Data Files
Name: My App Data Files
Types: public.data
Additional document type properties:
LSHandlerRank (String) -> Alternate
Imported UTIs:
My App Application File:
Description: My App Application File
Identifier: com.mydomain.app
Conform To: public.data
Additional imported UTI properties:
UTTypeTageSpecification (Dictionary) ->
Item 0 (String) -> app
Item1 (String) -> APP
This was working fine for Xcode 10, not anymore for Xcode 11.
I've analyzed the Uniform Type Identifiers Reference list from Apple, and noticed that for .app files you're suggested to use one of the the following values for "Conform to":
- com.apple.package
- com.apple.bundle
- com.apple.application
and this value as Identifier:
- com.apple.application-bundle
I tried to modify the values accordingly, but nothing changed, and the .app file type is not "seen" by my app, but I see other apps supporting this, so there must be a way, even with iOS 13 (I'm using the latest Beta version: 13.1).
From Apple, via the Feedback Assistant, I got the following answer: "The UTI for regular files (not packages) with the .app extension is 'com.apple.application-file' ". But unfortunately I still was not able to make it work. I've used the following configuration:
Name —> My App Application File
Types —> com.apple.application-file
Additional document type properties:
CFBundleTypeRole —> Editor
LFHandlerRank —> Alternate
Description —> My App Application File
Identifier —> com.apple.application-file
Conform To —> public.data
Additional imported UTI properties:
Item 0 —> app
Item 1 —> APP
Any ideas about what could be the error in the configuration?