+ slather coverage --binary-basename Project --input-format profdata -i '.*Tests.*' --cobertura-xml --output-directory sonar-reports --workspace Project.xcworkspace --scheme ProjectTests Project.xcodeproj
ERROR: Unrecognised option '--workspace'
See: 'slather coverage --help'
+ returnValue=1
+ set +x
ERROR - Command 'slather coverage --binary-basename Project --input-format profdata -i .*Tests.* --cobertura-xml --output-directory sonar-reports --workspace Project.xcworkspace --scheme ProjectTests Project.xcodeproj'
failed with error code: 1
Parameters which I have specified as follows.
workspaceFile=''; readParameter workspaceFile 'sonar.swift.workspace'
slatherCmd+=( --input-format profdata $excludedCommandLineFlags --cobertura-xml --output-directory sonar-reports)
if [[ ! -z "$workspaceFile" ]]; then
echo "$workspaceFile"
slatherCmd+=( --workspace $workspaceFile)
In the sonar project.properties I have mentioned the workspace.
Getting this error while working with Xcode, Jenkins, and Sonar Qube. What could be wrong with the command? Did I miss something? Slather is installed in mac, is there something that I have to set up before running Xcode?
I tried installing Slather but I don't know why it is showing that.