I'm trying to create a Flavor configuration to avoid boilerplate code in every Module and Library gradle file.
To do so I'm trying to convert Piotr Zawadzki solution (https://medium.com/stepstone-tech/modularizing-your-flavored-android-project-5db75c59fb0d) which uses the groovy with() method combined with a Closure containing the flavor config.
ext.flavorConfig = { // 1
flavorDimensions "pricing"
productFlavors {
free {
dimension "pricing"
ext.myApplicationIdSuffix = '.free' // 2
paid {
dimension "pricing"
ext.myApplicationIdSuffix = '.paid'
productFlavors.all { flavor -> // 3
if (flavor.hasProperty('myApplicationIdSuffix') && isApplicationProject()) {
flavor.applicationIdSuffix = flavor.myApplicationIdSuffix
def isApplicationProject() { // 4
return project.android.class.simpleName.startsWith('BaseAppModuleExtension')
// in AGP 3.1.x with library modules instead of feature modules:
// return project.android instanceof com.android.build.gradle.AppExtension
What I'm not finding is the equivalent with() method for the Kotlin DSL or a proper way to translate the Closure.