I have a component that "shakes" when animated
prop is set to true. This is how it looks
const Shake = ({ animate, children, ...props }) => {
const { x } = useSpring({
from: { x: 0 },
x: animate ? 1 : 0,
config: { mass: 12, tension: 500, friction: 80 },
return (
transformOrigin: 'center center',
transform: animate && x
range: [0, 0.5, 1],
output: [0, 2, 0],
.interpolate((x) => `rotate(${x}deg)`),
Animations I tested before were more or less just transitions from one state to another, like opacity from 0 to 1. It was easy to test with react-testing-library, I just called the .toHaveStyle
assertion from jest-dom.
However on this component my animation uses a combination of range and output. At first it will start by rotation of 0deg, then it goes to 0.5deg and finally back to 0deg. So just using
.toHaveStyle(`transform: rotate(0deg)`)
could be a false positive because the animation might not even be triggered.
This animation is spring based, powered by react-spring, and not time based so I cannot say exactly when the middle of the animation is triggered.
Does anybody have an idea to solve this?