I have a more general use case where I need to add my company logo to the Header of each page when I convert the Markdown to PDf document. It is important to note that it is not the most basic question where I just need to add an image but instead I need a header and footer similar to as we do in a word file.
I have tried to figure out the solution but I got to know that it is possible using Sweave and in R Markdown. The markdown I have is Github Markdown.
I used Typora to crete the markdown and there is no option provided by Typora to do the same. Luckily I found that I could add Header and Footer to a Markdown by adding an Extension "Markdown-Pdf" to VS-Code but still it is not possible to configure the header and footer.
The official document of markdown-pdf gives the setting of markdown-pdf.headerTemplate but giving this argument a style does not work.