I am developing a small word game as a side project and chose Flutter to release the game for both Android and iOS. I am able to use flutter packages (e.g. https://pub.dev/packages/games_services) to integrate with Google Play Games and Apple Game Kit but I think this doesn't allow e.g. to create a cross platform leaderboard, but iOS and Android players see their separate scores.
Options I found:
- Use Google Play Service, also for Apple users (seems to have some issues though and not work for iOS users seamlessly)
- I have looked at quite some smaller games that are using their own leaderboard implementations and have seen some small projects that implement one with Flutter and Firebase (e.g. https://github.com/fateh491989/leaderboard).
- I also found 2 other leaderboard services (https://github.com/omgwtfgames/omgleaderboards and https://leaderboards.io), not sure what the advantage is of those vs using firebase.
Before I go down the route of creating a simple scoring / leader board using fire base, I was hoping to find someone here who looked into this as well. Is there a way to use the Google and Apple services, yet see stats x-platforms? I would prefer this, also hoping to give users a more integrated experience and maybe also gaining new users through this.
Thanks for any pointers.