Regardless of the Prolog system you are using and unless you have to
maintain existing code, stick to set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars)
. This works in many
like B, GNU, IF, IV, Minerva, Scryer, SICStus, SWI, Tau, Trealla, YAP. So it is a safe
bet. The other options mentioned by @Boris are hard to debug. One is even specific to SWI
?- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
?- L = "abc".
L = [a,b,c].
these strings can be printed more compactly.
In SWI, the best you can do is to put in your .swiplrc
the lines:
:- set_prolog_flag(back_quotes, string).
:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
:- use_module(library(double_quotes)).
For your concrete example, it is a good idea to avoid producing
side-effects immediately. Instead consider defining a relation
between a word and the spelling:
word_spelling(Ws, Ys) :-
phrase(natospelling(Ws), Ys).
natospelling([C|Cs]) -->
{char_lower(C, L)},
nato(p) --> "Papa".
nato(i) --> "India".
nato(e) --> "Echo".
char_lower(C, L) :-
char_type(L, to_lower(C)).
?- word_spelling("Pie",Xs).
Xs = "Papa\nIndia\nEcho\n".
?- word_spelling("Pie",Xs), format("~s",[Xs]).
Xs = "Papa\nIndia\nEcho\n".
And here is your original definition. Most of the time, however, rather stick with the pure core of it.
spellWord(Ws) :-
word_spelling(Ws, Xs),
format("~s", [Xs]).
Also note that SWI's built-in library(pio)
only works for
codes and leaves unnecessary choice-points open. Instead, use this
which works for chars
and codes
depending on the Prolog flag.
Historically, characters were first represented as atoms of length
one. That is, 1972 in Prolog 0. However, there, strings were
represented in a left-associative manner which facilitated suffix matching.
plur(nil-c-i-e-l, nil-c-i-e-u-x).
Starting with Prolog I, 1973, double quotes meant a list of characters
like today.
In 1977, DECsystem 10 Prolog changed the meaning of double quotes
to lists of characters codes and used codes in place of chars. This made some I/O operations
a little bit more efficient, but made debugging such programs much
more difficult [76,105,107,101,32,116,104,105,115] - can you read it?
ISO Prolog supports both. There is a flag double_quotes
indicates how double quotes are
interpreted. Also,
character related built-ins are present for both:
atom_chars/2, number_chars/2, get_char/1/2, peek_char/1/2, put_char/1/2
atom_codes/2, number_codes/2, get_code/1/2, peek_code/1/2, put_code/1/2