I have nested components:
- AppComponent
- Contains just router-outlet
- PageWrapperComponent
- Contains just the main-menu and another router-outlet
- Requires the main-menu to get loaded from the API before display
- ContentComponent
- Contains the actual page content
- Requires the page content to get loaded from the API before display
And I resolve the main-menu and the page-content by use of Router's Resolve:
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: PageWrapperComponent,
resolve: {
mainMenu: MainMenuResoler,
children: [
path: '',
component: ContentComponent,
resolve: {
content: ContentResolver,
I want to display the main menu (PageWrapperComponent) as soon as MainMenuResoler is done. And then the content (ContentComponent) as soon as ContentResolver is done. But how?
I would have expected this behavior from the router. Instead Angular waits until both resolvers are done and then displays PageWrapperComponent and ContentComponent at the same time.