An intern who works with me showed me an exam he had taken in computer science about endianness issues. There was a question that showed an ASCII string "My-Pizza", and the student had to show how that string would be represented in memory on a little endian computer. Of course, this sounds like a trick question because ASCII strings are not affected by endian issues.
But shockingly, the intern claims his professor insists that the string would be represented as:
P-yM azzi
I know this can't be right. There is no way an ASCII string would be represented like that on any machine. But apparently, the professor is insisting on this. So, I wrote up a small C program and told the intern to give it to his professor.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
const char* s = "My-Pizza";
size_t length = strlen(s);
for (const char* it = s; it < s + length; ++it) {
printf("%p : %c\n", it, *it);
This clearly demonstrates that the string is stored as "My-Pizza" in memory. A day later, the intern gets back to me and tells me the professor is now claiming that C is automagically converting the addresses to display the string in proper order.
I told him his professor is insane, and this is clearly wrong. But just to check my own sanity here, I decided to post this on stackoverflow so I could get others to confirm what I'm saying.
So, I ask : who is right here?
format specifier tells you all you really need to know. – Joanajoanestrlen()
in afor()
loop conditional makes me cringe. – Joanajoane