I am quite new to type level programming in haskell and I'm stuck with the following example. It is a fragment of a type level type checker for a small dsl. I want the Find
type family to return a proof that a given element is contained in Env
, or force a compile time error otherwise.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
-- atomic data types in the source language
data Atom = Boolean
-- the typechecking environment
type Env = [(Symbol, Atom)]
-- A proof that a particular pair has been declared in the Env
data Elem (n :: Symbol) (a :: Atom) (e :: Env) where
DH :: Elem n a ('(n,a):e)
DT :: Elem n a e -> Elem n a (t:e)
-- Compile time type env lookup
type Find :: Symbol -> Atom -> Env -> Elem n a e
type family Find n a e where
Find n a ('(n,a): e) = DH
Find n a ('(t,p): e) = DT (Find n a e)
Find n a '[] = TypeError (Text "name '" :<>: Text n :<>: Text "' not found in env")
However when I try to evaluate Find
in ghci it seems to be stuck:
kind! Find "hi" Boolean '[ '("hi", Boolean) ]
Find "hi" Boolean '[ '("hi", Boolean) ] :: Elem n a e
I would expect this to reduce to DH :: Elem "hi" Boolean '[ '("hi", Boolean) ]
, but nothing seems to have happened. Have I somehow defined my type family incorrectly?
isn't reducing it further, but evaluating this in GHCi seems to indicate that it is working() :: Find "hi" Boolean '[ '("hi", Boolean) ] ~ DH => ()
– Wore:kind! Find "hi" Boolean '[ '("hi", Boolean) ] ~ DH
gives back'DH ~ 'DH
– Wore