I'm migrating a website that currently uses UA analytics configured via GTM to use Analytics 4.
Currently, the Website has the following purchase push event:
'name':'Lasher Tools Deluxe Lopping Bypass Shears',
I've created a new tag for the Analytics 4 conversion which uses variables populated from the dataLayer of this push. This works fine for everything aside from the items array which returns as [object Object] when debugging via Google Analytics:
Here's how the items array looks when I view via the Tag Manager debug:
I can see the 'purchase' event within Analytics, however if I view the 'ecommerce' tabs then the revenue shows as £0.00 and the items columns are all empty which I can only assume is because of the items array issue?
function(){ var e = {{array}}; var items = e.key; return items; }
– Evergreen