I have a team called "team-core" in GitHub.
This team has Write access to a certain private repository:
I have an environment "qa" set up for this repository in GitHub.
I want to add a protection rule to that environment, requiring a review from anyone on Team core.
However, despite the fact that "Team core" has write access (docs say they only need Read access), they are not showing up in the list of possible reviewers for this rule.
4 other teams do show up in this menu (1 with Read, 2 with Write, and 1 with Admin roles for the repo).
How can I make Team core a reviewer for the environment protection rule?
Additional findings
This team can be added for options in branch protection rules for the same repo that allow you to input a team ("Restrict who can dismiss pull request reviews", "Allow specified actors to bypass required pull requests", and "Restrict who can push to matching branches").