In playing with EF Core 7 JSON Column I'm attempting to get to a point where my saved JSON would look like this:
"Courses": [
"123": {
"RemoteCourseId": 123,
"Delivery": {
"Method": "email",
"ModeTarget": "[email protected]",
"Time": "13:30:00"
"Quizzes": [
"54321": {
"RemoteQuizId": 54321,
"Credits": null,
"Details": {
"CompletedDate": null,
"StartDate": "2023-04-17T17:17:10.315684Z"
"Questions": [
"12345": {
"ExpirationDate": "2023-04-17T17:17:10.316138Z",
"IsCorrect": false,
"QuestionId": 12345,
"QuestionUrl": "",
"SentDate": "2023-04-17T17:17:10.316181Z"
The challenge I'm facing is how to get identifiers, shown another way:
"Courses": [
"123": {},
"789": {}
I would like to get to a point where I can specify the "123" and "789". My attempt at this is using a Dictionary
like so:
public class LearnerCustomDataEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public int LtiUserId { get; set; }
public LearnerCustomDataDto Data { get; set; }
public class LearnerCustomDataDto
public LearnerCustomDataProfileDto Profile { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, LearnerCustomDataCourseDto> Courses { get; set; }
Within the DbContext I specify the JSON Column (LearnerCustomDataEntity.Data
) like this:
.OwnsOne(l => l.Data, onb =>
onb.OwnsOne<LearnerCustomDataProfileDto>(lcde => lcde.Profile);
onb.OwnsOne(lcdc => lcdc.Courses, onb =>
// I'm not sure _how_ to configure this
onb.HasOne(l => l);
I don't know how to configure the OwnedNavigationBuilder for the LearnerCustomDataDto.Courses
My end goal is to be able to get a specific course using something like
LearnerCustomDataCourseDto dto = dbContext.LearnerCustomData.Single(l => l.Data.Courses[123]);
Is using a dictionary the correct approach here? I'm certainly open to suggestions on doing it with a dictionary or changing to something else.
Update: I've tried using a KeyedCollection implementation as it would accomplish the goal of accessing via the key, but I'm having an issue with the conversion. So, for example:
public class LearnerCustomDataDto
public LearnerCustomDataProfileDto Profile { get; set; }
public LearnerCustomDataCourseDtoCollection Courses { get; set; }
public class LearnerCustomDataCourseDtoCollection : KeyedCollection<int, LearnerCustomDataCourseDto>
protected override int GetKeyForItem(LearnerCustomDataCourseDto item)
return item.RemoteCourseId;
The updates to the context make it look like this:
.OwnsOne(l => l.Data, onb =>
onb.OwnsOne(lcde => lcde.Profile);
onb.OwnsMany(lcde => lcde.Courses);
However, when trying to delete an entity I get an InvalidOperationException
System.InvalidOperationException : The requested operation requires an element of type 'Array', but the target element has type 'Object'.
Stack Trace:
[ 00:00:46.97] at System.Text.Json.ThrowHelper.ThrowJsonElementWrongTypeException(JsonTokenType expectedType, JsonTokenType actualType)
[ 00:00:46.98] at System.Text.Json.JsonElement.EnumerateArray()
[ 00:00:46.98] at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.RelationalShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.ShaperProcessingExpressionVisitor.IncludeJsonEntityCollection[TIncludingEntity,TIncludedCollectionElement](QueryContext queryContext, Nullable`1 jsonElement, Object[] keyPropertyValues, TIncludingEntity entity, Func`4 innerShaper, Action`2 fixup)
[ 00:00:46.98] at lambda_method654(Closure, QueryContext, Object[], JsonElement)
[ 00:00:46.98] at lambda_method653(Closure, QueryContext, DbDataReader, ResultContext, SingleQueryResultCoordinator)
[ 00:00:46.98] at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.SingleQueryingEnumerable`1.Enumerator.MoveNext()
[ 00:00:46.98] at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetSingle[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
[ 00:00:46.98] at lambda_method670(Closure, QueryContext)
[ 00:00:46.98] at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryCompiler.Execute[TResult](Expression query)
[ 00:00:46.98] at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.EntityQueryProvider.Execute[TResult](Expression expression)
Which is triggered by:
_db.LearnerCustomData.SingleOrDefault(l => l.LtiUserId == defaultUser.Id);