I am enthralled with Angular Signals, exactly what I want out of the library, but one thing that I have commonly found is that I accidentally am calling a signal reference somewhere (in a template block, or in the component somewhere) instead of calling the signal value. For example:
public conditionalSignal = signal(false);
// Accidentally using the reference:
if (conditionalSignal) {
// Instead of something like this:
if (conditionalSignal()) {
I was hoping someone had a ESLint plugin or Angular compiler option that they knew about that would help prevent this situation from happening. This obviously doesn't occur when I am generating new signals, but when refactoring old components to use a signal based methodology, it has happened more than once, and it's something that I would like to prevent if at all possible.
I also recognize that my first example is completely valid code, but I can almost guarantee that I'd never do that intentionally.
, to throw an error when a signal isn't invoked in a condition – Komi