So here is shown a simple example - 2 floats as data + 1 float as output:
Layer 1: 2 neurons (2 inputs)
Layer 2: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
Layer 3: 3 neurons (hidden layer)
Layer 4: 1 neurons (1 output)
And we create ANs with something like
cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 0, cvScalar(2));
cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 1, cvScalar(3));
cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 2, cvScalar(3));
cvSet1D(&neuralLayers1, 3, cvScalar(1));
And than we just tall openCV to train our network.
I wonder if we had Nx2 floats of data + 1 float as for output and we would want to give first neuron as input first line (N floats) and to second neuron second line (N float data elements) what would we need to add to our code?