Disclaimer: The author is a newbie in Erlang.
Imagine, we have a graph consisting of 1M nodes, and each node has 0-4 neighbours (the edges are emanating from each node to those neighbours, so the graph is directed and connected).
Here is my choice of data structures:
To store the graph I use digraph, which is based on ETS tables. This allows fast (O(1)) access to the neighbours of a node.
For the list of unvisited nodes, I use gb_sets:take_smallest (the node is already sorted, and it is simultaneously deleted after fetching).
For the list of predecessors I use the dict structure, which allows to store the predecessors in the following way: {Node1,Node1_predecessor},{Node2,Node2_predecessor}.
For the list of visited nodes I use a simple list.
- The code becomes very hard to read and maintain when I try to update the weight of a node both in the digraph structure and in the Unvisited_nodes structure. It doesn't seem the right way to keep one 'object' with the 'fields' that need to be updated in two data structures simultaneously. What is the right way to do that?
- The same question is about predecessors list. Where should I store the predecessor 'field' of a node 'object'? Maybe in the Graph (digraph structure)?
- Maybe I should rethink the whole Dijkstra's algorithm in terms of processes and messages instead of objects (nodes and edges) and their fields(weights)?
Here is the code based on the recommendations of Antonakos:
dijkstra(Graph,Start_node_name) ->
io:format("dijkstra/2: start~n"),
Paths = dict:new(),
io:format("dijkstra/2: initialized empty Paths~n"),
Unvisited = gb_sets:new(),
io:format("dijkstra/2: initialized empty Unvisited nodes priority queue~n"),
Unvisited_nodes = gb_sets:insert({0,Start_node_name,root},Unvisited),
io:format("dijkstra/2: Added start node ~w with the weight 0 to the Unvisited nodes: ~w~n", [Start_node_name, Unvisited_nodes]),
Paths_updated = loop_through_nodes(Graph,Paths,Unvisited_nodes),
io:format("dijkstra/2: Finished searching for shortest paths: ~w~n", [Paths_updated]).
loop_through_nodes(Graph,Paths,Unvisited_nodes) ->
%% We need this condition to stop looping through the Unvisited nodes if it is empty
case gb_sets:is_empty(Unvisited_nodes) of
false ->
{{Current_weight,Current_name,Previous_node}, Unvisited_nodes_updated} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Unvisited_nodes),
case dict:is_key(Current_name,Paths) of
false ->
io:format("loop_through_nodes: Found a new smallest unvisited node ~w~n",[Current_name]),
Paths_updated = dict:store(Current_name,{Previous_node,Current_weight},Paths),
io:format("loop_through_nodes: Updated Paths: ~w~n",[Paths_updated]),
Out_edges = digraph:out_edges(Graph,Current_name),
io:format("loop_through_nodes: Ready to iterate through the out edges of node ~w: ~w~n",[Current_name,Out_edges]),
Unvisited_nodes_updated_2 = loop_through_edges(Graph,Out_edges,Paths_updated,Unvisited_nodes_updated,Current_weight),
io:format("loop_through_nodes: Looped through out edges of the node ~w and updated Unvisited nodes: ~w~n",[Current_name,Unvisited_nodes_updated_2]),
true ->
true ->
loop_through_edges(Graph,[],Paths,Unvisited_nodes,Current_weight) ->
io:format("loop_through_edges: No more out edges ~n"),
loop_through_edges(Graph,Edges,Paths,Unvisited_nodes,Current_weight) ->
io:format("loop_through_edges: Start ~n"),
[Current_edge|Rest_edges] = Edges,
{Current_edge,Current_node,Neighbour_node,Edge_weight} = digraph:edge(Graph,Current_edge),
case dict:is_key(Neighbour_node,Paths) of
false ->
io:format("loop_through_edges: Inserting new neighbour node ~w into Unvisited nodes~n",[Current_node]),
Unvisited_nodes_updated = gb_sets:insert({Current_weight+Edge_weight,Neighbour_node,Current_node},Unvisited_nodes),
io:format("loop_through_edges: The unvisited nodes are: ~w~n",[Unvisited_nodes_updated]),
true ->