I'm writing an autocomplete custom component as a learning exercise with JSF 2.1.3. The idea (which is probably pretty familiar) is to enter some text into and input component and present a list box with matching values. The idea is to have a keyup javascript event on the input which calls jsf.ajax.request() to update the component. So far I've got a component which I can include like this:
<mycc:autocomplete id="myauto" searchMethod="#{bean.doSearch}"/>
This renders html like this:
<span id="myauto">
<input type="text" id="myauto_input" name="myauto_input"
onkeyup="com.myco.ajaxRequest(this, event)"/>
<select id="myauto_listbox" name="myauto_listbox">
<option value="1st">First</option>
<option value="2nd">Second</option>
The com.myco.ajaxRequest() javascript function (keyup) does this:
jsf.ajax.request(comp, null, {
execute: 'myauto',
render: 'myauto'
So because I want to rebuild and rerender the listbox with the suggestions list, I'm re-rendering the custom component 'myauto'. By specifying execute: 'myauto' the decode() method executes and I can get the input value. By specifying render: 'myauto' the encode...() methods execute to regenerate the html.
This is all fine but because I'm rendering the parent of the myauto_input component I lose input focus every time the keyup event fires.
If I specify something like render: 'myauto_listbox' (I only really want to rerender the listbox after all) the problem is that the encode...() methods don't execute, because they're for the custom component as a whole, not just the listbox. And it would be in one of the encode...() methods that I rebuild the listbox containing the suggestions.
The component extends UIInput and I generate markup in a separate renderer (componentFamily = "javax.faces.Input") in the encodeEnd() method (so this always runs after any supplied converter - not yet implemented). I suppose that forcing focus from javascript is a horrible hack and to be avoided.
I'm a bit unsure where to go with this, but I suspect that what I'm seeing indicates that I'm approaching this in the wrong way somehow. If anyone would be good enough to point me in the right direction I'd greatly appreciate it.