I am seeing my calling thread hang in native code when calling WifiManager.enableNetwork(). So far, I have only been able to reproduce this hang on the Motorola Xoom tablet running Android 3.2.1. I have tested on several other phones and tablets (all running either Froyo or Gingerbread) and have not seen the problem. The Xoom is the only dual-core device I have to test (and I have reproduced the issue on 2 different Xooms), so I feel like I'm stumbling onto some very subtle Android threading requirements when interfacing with WifiManager. The stack trace where my calling thread hangs is:
BinderProxy.transact(int, Parcel, Parcel, int) line: not available [native method]
IWifiManager$Stub$Proxy.enableNetwork(int, boolean) line: 513
WifiManager.enableNetwork(int, boolean) line: 587
My application is attempting to connect to a known wifi access point, perform some tests, then re-connect the device to its original access point (if it was previously connected). Prior to establishing the connection, we have already verified that wifi is enabled and we have performed a scan to verify that our access point SSID is found. This code to establish the connection is running in an AsyncTask and looks something like this:
private WifiManager mWifiManager;
private List<WifiConfiguration> mConfiguredNets = new ArrayList<WifiConfiguration>();
private Object mConnectMonitor = new Object();
private NetworkInfo.State mNetworkState = State.UNKNOWN;
private final BroadcastReceiver mConnectionStateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context inContext, final Intent inIntent) {
final String action = inIntent.getAction();
if (WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(action)) {
NetworkInfo ni =
State state = ni.getState();
if (state == State.CONNECTED) {
synchronized (mConnectMonitor) {
mNetworkState = state;
public void runninInAsyncTask(Context activityContext, int networkID) {
mWifiManager = (WifiManager)activityContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
// Register our broadcast receiver to get network state change events
IntentFilter ifilter = new IntentFilter();
activityContext.registerReceiver(mConnectionStateReceiver, ifilter);
// Get a list of our currently configured networks so we can re-enable
// them after connecting to the desired network
mConfiguredNets = mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();
// Enable our network and disable all others
mWifiManager.enableNetwork(networkId, true);
// Start the reconnection process to connect to our desired network
synchronized (mConnectMonitor) {
if (mNetworkState != State.CONNECTED) {
Log.e(TAG, "Problems connecting to desired network!");
else {
Log.e(TAG, "Successfully connected to desired network!");
// Re-enable all of our previously configured networks
for (WifiConfiguration wifiConfig : mConfiguredNets)
if (wifiConfig.status != Status.ENABLED) {
mWifiManager.enableNetwork(wifiConfig.networkId, false);
This code was based on the Wifi settings menu code in the Android Gingerbread open source code. Is there anything about calling WifiManager.enableNetwork() that I am missing? Does it have to be run on a particular thread? I have tried ensuring that enableNetwork() is called on the UI thread (by moving the logic to the broadcast receiver). This seemed to help a little bit, but I still was able to reproduce the hang. Maybe this is something specific to Honeycomb? Right now, these 2 Xooms are the only Honeycomb devices I have available for testing, so they are the only data-points I have.