Here is my dilemma:
I am creating a site that will allow users to submit videos that will be posted to the site. The user submits a Vimeo link and the video gets posted in an embedded format to the site. Unless the creator of the video has a PRO or PLUS Vimeo account, embedded vimeo videos do not work on iPhone 3GS (not sure about iPhone 4, but they do work on iPad).
Is there any sort of workaround to get embedded vimeo videos working on iPhone? Any ideas?
Edit: I have checked and it does work on iPhone 4. But still not 3GS.
Embed Code
<iframe src="<?php echo $videos[$i]; ?>?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ffff00" width="" height="" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen ></iframe>