I've been assigned to create an open source Java port of this Objective C GPUImage Framework so that it can be used in an Android application. I am to recreate it as closely as I can, with all the variable names, function names, etc all the same. I'm in the beginning stages and I'm trying to port GPUImageOpenGLESContext.h and GPUImageOpenGLESContext.m (Sorry, would provide links, but as a new users I cannot add any more links).
I'm having difficulty with these methods
+ (GLint)maximumTextureSizeForThisDevice;
GLint maxTextureSize;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize);
return maxTextureSize;
+ (GLint)maximumTextureUnitsForThisDevice;
GLint maxTextureUnits;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &maxTextureUnits);
return maxTextureUnits;
It seems that in Objective C, you can just simply call these methods but in Java you cannot. I've done some searching and found that most people said to use a GLSurfaceView, but that would require an activity, correct? I was very excited when I found this Get Maximum OpenGL ES 2.0 Texture Size Limit on Android, but the response claims that the code would not work.
So, my question is, how can I get the minimum and maximum texture in a class that is not an activity? Using GLSurfaceView?
I'd also appreciate any suggestions on how to port this over. I've never ported anything from Objective C to Java, so any advice would be appreciated!
If it would be helpful, here is my current code:
public class GPUImageOpenGLESContext
private static GPUImageOpenGLESContext instance = null;
EGLContext context;
protected GPUImageOpenGLESContext()
// This is a protected empty method
// that exists only to prevent
// this singleton object from
// multiple instantiation
public enum GPUImageRotationMode {
kGPUImageNoRotation, kGPUImageRotateLeft, kGPUImageRotateRight, kGPUImageFlipVertical,
kGPUImageFlipHorizontal, kGPUImageRotateRightFlipVertical, kGPUImageRotate180
public GPUImageRotationMode GPUImageRotationSwapsWidthAndHeight(GPUImageRotationMode rotation)
// TODO: Implement GPUImageRotationSwapsWidthAndHeight macro as method
//rotation = ((rotation) == kGPUImageRotateLeft || (rotation) == kGPUImageRotateRight || (rotation) == kGPUImageRotateRightFlipVertical)
return rotation;
public static GPUImageOpenGLESContext sharedImageProcessingOpenGLESContext()
if (instance == null)
instance = new GPUImageOpenGLESContext();
return instance;
public static void useImageProcessingContext()
EGLContext imageProcessingContext = GPUImageOpenGLESContext.sharedImageProcessingOpenGLESContext().context;
if (EGLContext.getEGL() != imageProcessingContext)
// In Objective C, this call would be here:
// [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:imageProcessingContext]
// Cannot figure out how to handle this. For now, throws an exception.
throw new RuntimeException("useImageProcessingContext not equal to EGLContext");
public static int maximumTextureSizeForThisDevice()
int[] maxTextureSize = new int[1];
// TODO: See if you can use gl. without an activity
//GL10 gl = new GL10();
//EGL gl = EGLContext.getEGL();
//gl.glGetIntegerv(GL10.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, maxTextureSize, 0);
return maxTextureSize[0];
public static int maximumTextureUnitsForThisDevice()
// TODO: Implement maximumTextureUnitsForThisDevice();
return -1;
public static CGSize sizeThatFitsWithinATextureForSize(CGSize inputSize)
int maxTextureSize = maximumTextureSizeForThisDevice();
if ((inputSize.width < maxTextureSize) && (inputSize.height < maxTextureSize))
return inputSize;
CGSize adjustedSize = new CGSize();
if (inputSize.width > inputSize.height)
adjustedSize.width = (float)maxTextureSize;
adjustedSize.height = ((float)maxTextureSize / inputSize.width) * inputSize.height;
adjustedSize.height = (float)maxTextureSize;
adjustedSize.width = ((float)maxTextureSize / inputSize.height) * inputSize.width;
return adjustedSize;
public EGLContext getContext()
if (context == null)
// TODO: Implement getContext()
public interface GPUImageInput
public void newFrameReadyAtTime(Time frameTime);
public void setInputTextureAtIndex(int newInputTexture, int textureIndex);
public int nextAvailableTextureIndex();
public void setInputSizeAtIndex(CGSize newSize, int textureIndex);
public void setInputRotationAtIndex(GPUImageRotationMode newInputRotation, int textureIndex);
public CGSize maximumOutputSize();
public void endProcessing();
public boolean shouldIgnoreUpdatesToThisTarget();