I'm developing on top of OpenLayers.js. My project folder is structured as follows:
project /
|-- OpenLayers.js
|-- map.html
|-- map.js
\-- etc
As you can argue, when I start a new map project, I espect suggestions from Vim on how to complete the code, reading JS classes from all the libraries in the project folder (in this case, just OpenLayers.js
map = new OpenLayers. --> <C-x><C-o>
map = new OpenLayers.Bounds
Selecting one of the suggested classes I should get a kind of autocompletion, like in Aptana. I've installed AutoComplPop and I get a nice automatic menu to select suggestions, but all of them are taken from the current JS file.
Anyway, I've correctly set up Tagbar + node.js + jsctags and I've generated tags
file for my project, and added set tags=./tags,./../tags,./*/tags
to my .vimrc
In this case, also, Tagbar maps the current file JS structure but doesn't offer any mapping of the classes coming from other files.
Another probably relevant line in my .vimrc
autocmd FileType javascript set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
I'm struggling to get class and subclass suggestions and now I'm getting a bit confused with all the plugins/piece of software available.
Any hint? Thank you guys :)
file. The only embarrassing issue I'm getting now is related to Openlayers.js:jsctags OpenLayers.js
gives me an embarassingError: fixStm: 44, line 261
, so I'm unable to create atags
file from it. But that's another story. – Marlinemarlinespike