I'm working on a large project that must builds under multiple environment, chiefly linux/gcc and windows/msvc. To speed up the build, we use precompiled headers.
The Windows implementation is very efficient: on my quad-core hyperthreaded i7 build time goes down from 9 minutes to 1.5 minutes. However using precompiled headers doesn't seem to improve performance: in both cases it builds in 22 minutes under a virtual box on the same computer, or about 40 minutes on a real server.
So I'm thinking the obvious, that I somehow got something wrong and that the precompiled header isn't kicking in. I can't find what however.
Our Makefiles are generated by CMake, so I can copy paste the code used to compile the header and the object files that uses them.
Creating the header:
/usr/bin/c++ -O3 -DNDEBUG --no-warnings "-I/mnt/code/server a/src/game"
"-I/mnt/code/server a/src/game/vmap" "-I/mnt/code/server a/dep/include/g3dlite"
"-I/mnt/code/server a/dep/include" "-I/mnt/code/server a/src/shared"
"-I/mnt/code/server a/src/framework" "-I/mnt/code/server a/buildlinux"
"-I/mnt/code/server a/buildlinux/src/shared" -I/usr/include/mysql
"-I/mnt/code/server a/dep/acelite" -DDO_MYSQL -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
-DVERSION=\"0.6.1\" -DSYSCONFDIR=\"../etc/\" -D_RELEASE -D_NDEBUG -x c++-header
-o "/mnt/code/server a/buildlinux/src/game/pchdef.h.gch" "/mnt/code/server
Compiling an object file:
/usr/bin/c++ $(CXX_DEFINES) $(CXX_FLAGS) "-I/mnt/code/server
a/buildlinux/src/game" -include pchdef.h -Winvalid-pch -o
CMakeFiles/game.dir/AccountMgr.cpp.o -c "/mnt/code/server
Insights are appreciated, even if they don't directly derive from the snippets above.