For example, I set up these:
L = /[a-z,A-Z,ßäüöÄÖÜ]/
V = /[äöüÄÖÜaeiouAEIOU]/
K = /[ßb-zBZ&&[^#{V}]]/
So that /(#{K}#{V}{2})/
matches "ᄚ"
in "azAZᄚ"
Are there any better ways of dealing with them?
Could I put those constants in a module in a file somewhere in my Ruby installation folder, so I can include/require them inside any new script I write on my computer? (I'm a newbie and I know I'm muddling this terminology; Please correct me.)
Furthermore, could I get just the meta-characters \L
, \V
, and \K
(or whatever isn't already set in Ruby) to stand for them in regexes, so I don't have to do that string interpolation thing all the time?
if you like. – Wastrequire '/.constants.rb'
in any script in that folder I need to use them in. Works for now. – Marlowe