For years I've been using the integrated deploytool
to create easily distributable *.exe files for my colleagues.
I installed R2013b a couple of days ago and I can't use the deploytool
anymore. The log file when trying to package gives this:
<mkdir dir="C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_redistribution" />
<mkdir dir="C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_testing" />
mcc -C -o test -W WinMain:test -T link:exe -d 'C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test\for_testing' -v 'C:\Users\xxxx\Matlab\programxy\test.m'
Test checkout of feature 'Compiler' failed.
mcc failed.
This looks like a license issue but out license does include the compiler.
license('test', 'compiler')
gives '1'.
Is there anything new with R2013b that I'm just missing? Do I have to install some addon for this to work again?