I am trying to solve the following SPOJ problem.
The input is: 1. Total weight of a certain amount of money in coins, 2. values and corresponding weights of the coins of used currency.
The goal is to find the minimum possible monetary value of the given amount of money.
My approach is to sort the coins of the currency by their respective value/weight ratios in ascending order and then, greedily, fit the weight of the first coin as many times as possible in the total sum (keeping track of how many times it fits), then fit the weight of the second coin into the remainder as many times as possible, etc., for all the coins or until the remainder is zero (if it isn't, the situation is impossible).
The judge says my answer is wrong. Can you please give me a hint on what is wrong about the algorithm?
My code is here:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int weight_t;
typedef unsigned int value_t;
struct coin {
weight_t weight;
value_t value;
double value_per_gram;
coin make_coin(weight_t weight, value_t value) {
coin ret;
ret.weight = weight;
ret.value = value;
ret.value_per_gram = (double)(value/weight);
return ret;
bool compare_by_value_per_gram(const coin& coin1, const coin& coin2) {
return coin1.value_per_gram < coin2.value_per_gram;
int main() {
unsigned int test_cases;
cin >> test_cases;
while(test_cases--) {
unsigned int number_of_coins = 0;
weight_t empty_pig, full_pig, coins_weight, coin_weight, min_value = 0;
value_t coin_value = 0;
vector<coin> coins;
vector<unsigned int> how_many_coins;
cin >> empty_pig >> full_pig;
coins_weight = full_pig - empty_pig;
cin >> number_of_coins;
while(number_of_coins--) {
cin >> coin_value >> coin_weight;
coins.push_back(make_coin(coin_weight, coin_value));
sort(coins.begin(), coins.end(), compare_by_value_per_gram);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < coins.size() && coins_weight > 0; i++) {
how_many_coins[i] = coins_weight/coins[i].weight;
coins_weight %= coins[i].weight;
min_value += coins[i].value * how_many_coins[i];
if(coins_weight == 0) cout << "The minimum amount of money in the piggy-bank is " << min_value << "." << endl;
else cout << "This is impossible." << endl;
return 0;