I am trying to run a script just before the installation of Debian Wheezy finishes. I am aware of "d-i preseed/late-command", viz. used run commands before the installation finishes. But I am facing a problem. I cannot figure out where to copy my script in the iso file. I tried following two approaches:
- I tried to copy my script inside the root directory of initrd.gz
(/install.386/initrd.gz) file and did the following changes in
d-i preseed/late-command in-target sh /my_script.sh
- I also tried to copy my script in the root directory of the iso
file and did the following changes in preseed.cfg:
d-i preseed/late-command in-target sh /media/cdrom/my_script.sh
So, where to copy a file (here in my script) so that I can use it in late-command?