So far I come up with code bellow. It works as I want. But as you can see it is not exactly short or swift... It would be great if someone would point to some Java native functions which helps me to do it more elegant...
public static String repeat(int count, String with) {
return "";
return "";
return new String(new char[count]).replace("\0", with);
public static String getFormattedDouble(double num,int posInt,int posFrac){
if(num == 0) return "0"; // correct 0 value to be print only with one 0
String sInt = repeat(posInt,"0");
String sFrac = repeat(posFrac,"0");
String sSing = num<0 ? "" : "+";
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat(sSing+sInt+"."+sFrac+"E0");
String s = form.format(num);
s = s.replace("E","e"); // I really thing capital E looks ugly
return s;
public static String[] get2doublesSameExp(double a, double b){
String[] s = new String[2];
int expA;
if(a == 0) expA = 0;
else expA = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(a)));
int expB;
if(b == 0) expB = 0;
else expB = (int)Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(b)));
double expDif = Math.abs((double)expA-(double)expB);
int fractPos = 3;
if(expDif > 4) fractPos = 1; // too big exponent difference reduce fraction digits
if(expDif > 6){
// too big exponent difference print it normally it will be nicer
s[0] = String.format("%1.3e",a);
s[1] = String.format("%1.3e",b);
return s;
int minExp = Math.min(expA,expB) - 1;
s[0] = getFormattedDouble(a, expA - minExp, fractPos );
s[1] = getFormattedDouble(b, expB - minExp, fractPos );
// just text right justification
String rightJust = repeat((int)expDif," ");
int justIdx = expA < expB ? 0 : 1;
s[justIdx] = rightJust + s[justIdx];
return s;
String[] s = get2doublesSameExp(1.234e-6,11.234e-6);