I'm creating a table and writing it to a database with RODBC. No problems.
First I tried updating the table in R and writing the updates back line by line using sqlUpdate in the same R script and the same R session as initialising it. No problems.
But when I try to split this into two scripts (one to initialise the table and one to read it back into R, calculate updates and write the updates to the database), I get the following error (the import and updates work fine, it's just writing it back to the DB that fails):
[RODBC] Failed exec in Update
The code I use to update is the following (which worked when the table was in my R session and the initialisation and the updates were in the same script):
conOut <- odbcConnect("myDB", uid = "myID", pwd = "myPwd", believeNRows = T)
sqlUpdate(conOut, myTable)
Am I just missing something really obvious like the table being converted to a wrong format when it is imported from the database? Or is there something else I can do to make it work?