React encourages the use of stateless components as much as possible and have a stateful parent component managing them. I understand that this can make the stateless components more reusable, and easy to manage. However, to the extreme, we can always put the state at the top level component, like App.js, and pass down information and callbacks through a long props chain. And if using Flux, the actions can always be dispatched in it too (executed through callbacks).
So I'm wondering what's line to separate stateful and stateless components? And if using Flux, where should the Actions to be dispatched?
--- Add an example ---
Say I have a google docs like web app that have a tool bar and displayed content. I imagine we will have the component structure.
<Toolbar />
<Content />
The tool bar has buttons that will affect the display content, say the bold text button.
So should the App pass down onButtonPressed callback props to Toolbar and dispatch Actions in itself, or should let the Toolbar to do it itself?
Should the App pass down contentString props to Content, or let Content itself listen to Store changes?