My task is to share a post to linked in from a page. I have gone through linked in documentation, but I couldn't understand what to do. I have googled for days and I didn't get a clear idea.
Can anyone clearly explain about how to share to linkedin. I dont want to share a whole page but only a particular post.
Here is the code I got from the net, but I have no idea what is happening in this code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//">
api_key: xxxxxxxxx
authorize: true
onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
<script type="text/javascript">
// Setup an event listener to make an API call once auth is complete
function onLinkedInLoad() {
IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", shareContent);
// Handle the successful return from the API call
function onSuccess(data) {
// Handle an error response from the API call
function onError(error) {
// Use the API call wrapper to share content on LinkedIn
function shareContent() {
// Build the JSON payload containing the content to be shared
var payload = {
Content-Type: application/json
x-li-format: json
"comment": "Check out!",
"content": {
"title": "LinkedIn Developers Resources",
"description": "Leverage LinkedIn's APIs to maximize engagement",
"submitted-url": "",
"submitted-image-url": ""
"visibility": {
"code": "anyone"
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"> lang: en_US</script>
<script type="IN/Share"></script>
Do I need any other files along with the codes?
I am working in codeigniter.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.