I have programmed for many years, and the issue I am presenting now is probably one of the strangest I have come across.
There is a block of code in my app which randomly generates a sequence of tokens, with three possible types, let's say A, B or C.
So 10 tokens might be ABCCAAABAC.
At the beginning of the block of code, the random number generator seed is initialised like so:
Now, unsurprisingly when the seed value stays constant, I always get the same sequence of tokens, because the random generation code executes in a deterministic manner. Well, almost always.
Actually, on rare occasions, out of the blue, I will get a different random sequence given the same seed. Then it's back to normal before I know it. You're probably thinking - ah, side effects, this is probably a state related issue whereby the block of code which generates the random sequence of tokens utilises a variable which changes how many times it calls random()
(for instance). However, I am 99% certain that I've controlled for all obvious side effects. There's only a few places in the block of code which access the external state, and they all remain constant.
The plot thickens even more - this issue has only been apparent to me on an Android deployment of the app that I've been building. Admittedly, this is a rare bug, and I can't seem to reliably repeat it. So it might also be present in the iOS deployments. But I've yet to come across it on other platforms. I might as well mention that I'm using lua scripting via the Corona SDK to develop the app.
I have given this issue much thought, and have narrowed it down to a few possibilities:
- Interaction with another thread which uses the same random number generator, which I'm unaware of
- (Is this even possible in lua?) Some sort of heap corruption is leading to strange side effects
- I've messed up and there's some damn obvious reference to external state which I've missed throughout many hours of debugging
The most painful aspect of all this is the non-repeatability of the bug. Most of the time the block of code acts perfectly deterministically given a repeated seed. Then it is as though there's a phase of non-determinism, which then dissipates again after some unknown amount of time. I would love to pick the brains of an expert here.
What could be going on here? Also - is it possible there could be anything platform specific going on with this particular issue, since I've only seen it on Android deployments?
For reference, here is the full block of code. It's actually generating tokens with two random properties (one of three colours, and one of three shapes), but that doesn't mean much in terms of the essence of the problem.
local tokenListPlan = {}
-- randomly assign weighting distribution
local thresh1, thresh2
while (true) do
local s0 = math.random(1, 99)
local s1 = math.random(1, 99)
local c0 = s0
local c1 = s1 - c0
local c2 = 100 - c1 - c0
thresh1 = c0
thresh2 = c0 + c1
-- generate tokens (deterministic based on seed)
for i = 1, sortedCountTarget do
local token
local c = 1
local rnd = math.random(1, 100)
if (rnd < thresh1) then -- skewed dist
c = 1
elseif (rnd < thresh2) then
c = 2
c = 3
if (paramGameMode == eng.GAME_MODE_COLOR) then
local rnd46 = math.random(4, 6)
token = {color = c, shape = rnd46}
elseif (paramGameMode == eng.GAME_MODE_SHAPE) then
local rnd13 = math.random(1, 3)
token = {color = rnd13, shape = c + 3}
local rnd13 = math.random(1, 3)
local rnd46 = math.random(4, 6)
token = {color = rnd13, shape = rnd46}
tokenListPlan[#tokenListPlan + 1] = token
is called) – Flatlingrand()
function is not thread-safe on your platform – Poucher