Since i am not familiar with C3.js library, i am bit confuse when i tried to split the Array data.
For instant i have some array value from a json.
var jsondata=[[123],[45],[56],[22]];
var jsondataName=[["apple"],["orange"],["banana"],["pear"]];
I tried to pass the first array jsondata into the chart but these values go into the same column which is not something i would like to see.
I want these array value become independent data and push the name into it
Please see the demo i made :
And the result i want should looks like
Update the json data format :
"Name": apple,
"data": {
"value": 1434,
"Name": banana,
"data": {
"value": 342,
var jsondata=[[123],[45],[56],[22]];
is the generate by a for loop, i used this for the chart data but it doesn't do the job. – Filth