I have the following filter to find issues in current Sprint:
resolution is EMPTY AND assignee = currentUser() AND Sprint in openSprints() ORDER BY priority DESC, created ASC
It works as expected. However, our team creates separate "sprint" (in futureSprints()) for stretch goals and I'm unable to query them without picking up the rest of the backlog. However, this stretch goal sprint is always the next one in our list. Moreover, if current sprint is called "Sprint 20-2016", the stretch goals will be called "Sprint 20-2016 Stretch Goals". This means that I can retrieve the stretch goals by grabbing the name of the current sprint. For example, the following hardcoded solution works:
resolution is EMPTY AND assignee = currentUser() AND Sprint in futureSprints() AND Sprint = "Sprint 20" ORDER BY priority DESC, created ASC
Problem is that instead of "Sprint 20"
being hardcoded I want something like Sprint = [name of first entry from] openSprints()
but don't know how to express this in JQL. Alternatively, since stretch goals are always in the next sprint, something like Sprint in [first entry in] openSprints() + 1
would work as well.